Juvenile Probation Officer
Each probation officer, as an officer of the Court, has the responsibility for motivating and enforcing all official orders of the Court. In addition, each officer is charged with providing social casework services to his/her probationer.
A. Education:
1. Minimum of earned Bachelors Degree, preferably in one of the behavioral sciences, such as psychology, sociology, or social work.
B. Personal Qualities:
1. Motivation and ability to work with troubled youth,
2. Knowledge of adolescence and family dynamics,
3. Ability to work with and relate to other professionals,
4. Excellent verbal and writing communication skills,
5. Ability to work and function as a team member.
A. Records:
Each probation officer shall be responsible for:
1. Keeping accurate and up-to-date records of all contacts with regards to juvenile placed on probation, including reports of conferences held with agencies, interested parties to each case, as well as presenting recommendations to the Court,
2. Conduct and complete OYAS assessments as required for placement on probation, updates and for termination from probation,
3. Maintain case notes, develop treatment plans, and implement sanctions for violations of probation,
4. Submitting complete and accurate monthly reports regarding case load size, contacts, hearings, etc.
B. Probation:
Each probation officer shall:
1. Set forth, with the juveniles and his parents, the areas of responsibilities of all parties concerned with probation: i.e., the rules of probation are to be explained to the child and his parents at the time he is placed on probation, including written reports of conferences held with agencies, interested parties to each case, as well as presenting recommendations to the Court,
2. Develop, through information received from various reports and interviews with his family, an individualized program of probation for the juvenile. This program is to be based on the assessed needs of the juvenile and is to be executed within the framework of the Court-established Rules of Probation. This program may vary with regard to the risk level assigned by the OYAS Assessment, the frequency with which the juvenile reports, whether he/she reports on an individual basis or in a group, the length of the reporting sessions and the length of the probation period, among other variables,
3. Continually evaluate each probationer’s progress during the probation period as well as re-assess goals and make other adjustments in the individual’s program as needed,
4. Monitor and enforce the rules of probation as well as file formal complaints for violations of probation. Upon each Court appearance, the probation officer must be prepared with a presentation of the background of the case as well as a recommendation for the disposition of that case,
5. Establish a working relationship with and have knowledge about community resources, agencies and schools so that a coordinated effort can be made in the rehabilitation process of the probationer,
6. Conform to the dress code established by the Court which represents a sense of professionalism in the office as well in the community. Each probation officer is expected to conduct himself in a professional manner at all times whenever he/she is acting as a representative of the Court.
Each probation officer may be required to give presentations to various civic groups, school, etc. on various aspects of the Juvenile Court.
A. Each probation officer will be responsible for keeping abreast of the various programs and developments in the Juvenile Justice field,
B. Additional duties/responsibilities shall be assigned by the Judge, Administrator or the Probation Supervisor as the need arises.