The NRP Group

Field Marketing Intern

June - August 2022 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

I absolutely LOVED my experience with The NRP Group. Not only my department, but the entire company made sure that I, along with the other interns, had an experiential, holistic, and meaningful summer filled with engaging and interesting work. I was excited to come into work each and every day and learn from engaged and enthusiastic employees. Malory was an absolute delight to work with as well as the ENTIRE marketing department and general office staff as well. Everyone was kind, welcoming, and wanted to make sure my experience was valuable. I would go back in a heartbeat.

What I wish was different

The other interns and I were required to be in the office 5 days a week which was great for experiential and hands-on learning, but it would have been nice to have some flexibility with an occasional hybrid schedule.


Take advantage of each and every day with The NRP Group and utilize each and every resource you are given. If you make the most out of each day you will walk away with a valuable skillset and experiences to last you a lifetime.
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Construction Intern

June - August 2022 • Austin, TX

What I liked

This company is truly rare. I was based in Austin, but I live in San Antonio and they were able to provide housing for me, which I appreciated. We had two trips to the headquarters. The first time was meant to meet the other interns throughout the US. We got to see the office, attended different presentations and David Heller, our CEO, came in to meet with us. Companies that have this much of an impact, you'd think the CEO would have so many tasks and meetings that he wouldn't be able to dedicate time for us. He emphasizes that this program isn't just meant to create future employees, but also benefit us in our professional path to decide whether the path we have taken is really for us. I was able to meet with David one on one and ask him for advice for my professional career. As interns, we had workshops we would be able to attend about different employees within the company presenting to us their areas and how they work. At the end of the summer, we flew out to Cleveland again and presented to David Heller about our experience in the internship and the construction projects we were working on. This company truly invests time in us for our benefit. During the summer, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to work in Construction Safety and even though the internship didn't exist, they created one for me and I am working with NRP again this month. Everyone has been so welcoming and as soon as safety heard my interest with them, they received me with open arms. Malory Sanchez has been so helpful to help run my hiring process as smooth as possible. I have felt heard when it comes to keeping integrity within the company and emphasizing our values as a company.

What I wish was different

Since my area is construction and it is required we work on site, it is unavoidable, but sometimes I wish I worked in Cleveland to feel more connected with the other interns.


Participate in every opportunity they offer you. NRP sets up a lot of events where you can meet employees within the company and ask them any questions. This is the moment for you to discover what you want in your career.
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Property Management Intern

June - August 2022 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

For a first internship I was extremely impressed. The NRP group puts an enormous amount of time and effort making sure their interns get the best experience they can. Everyone there was extremely welcoming and wanted to answer any questions they had. For instance some other interns and myself asked higher ranking employees for a lunch meeting and they had no problems fitting us in. Also, I was lucky enough to be in the property management division which allowed me to go on many trips.

What I wish was different

Honestly nothing they treated us very well and I had a great time along the way.


Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, people will take notice.
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Construction Field Intern

June - August 2022 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

What I liked most about this internship was feeling a sense of responsibility on-site and feeling like an important part of the construction site. I appreciated the trust my supervisor had in me and gave me the opportunity to complete various tasks and discover how to accomplish these tasks in my own way. From this, I was able to use the knowledge and skills I have acquired n the classroom and see how they apply to real-life situations. From this I have felt I have learned a great amount from this internship and felt a sense of purpose on the site.

What I wish was different

I wish I were able to deal with a little more variation in day-to-day tasks. Though my main task on the site was important I wish I was able to see processes such as outside the building or the amenity area more. I also wish I would have had the opportunity to see a construction site at a different phase of the process. In a two-month time frame it is really only possible to see one phase of a single construction project but seeing another construction site at a different phase would have helped my knowledge of the work better.


Don't be afraid to be wrong from time to time. You learn a great deal from your mistakes and it allows you to obtain knowledge better than just being told how to do something. Learning on your own is a powerful tool and is an important tool to have in the construction field. It is better to try to do something than to sit back and wait for the information to come to you
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